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Antique Leather Dressing
bringing leather back to life
Home > General > Contact Us

Located in Somerset - UK - we can be contacted by

E-mail info at antiqueleatherdressing dot co dot uk
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Contact Form
to request our
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* All fields required

Telephone 01458 241816
+44 1458 241816
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a chantrybarn production
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Something about your form submission looked like spam, so you need to submit the form again with slightly different information, after reading the following.

Our Tectite FormMail uses a number of tests to determine whether a form submission is spam or not.

Go back to the form and read through this checklist to see what you may have entered that could trigger the attack detection:

Duplicated data.
Did you enter the same information in a lot of fields, or fields that shouldn't have the same information?

Entering URLs.
Did you enter a number of URLs into the form? We don't allow you to enter URLs, so we have blocked this type of submission.

Entering junk.
Well, that would look like spam, wouldn't it? Don't enter junk data into our form.